The bedroom is a key part of your home, and it is always worth thinking carefully about its décor. While the colour scheme and design are vital to a good night’s sleep, it is also often a personal space and gives you the chance to show your own style and flare.

We’ve prepared this helpful guide so you can find the right colour scheme to suit your aesthetic tastes and ensure that you get some much-deserved rest.

Calming colours

Colour has a major effect on our mood, so if you’re looking for a relaxing space to fall asleep in then it is important to choose colours to match. More muted, softer colours in a monochromatic scheme that makes one colour dominant are ideal for this. It is possible to blend colours and still create a relaxing atmosphere, however. You can do this by selecting two primary colours and the tertiary colour that mixing them creates. These are called ‘analogous’ colours and following this pattern will help you pick multiple colours without them clashing.

Pastel colours

In general, pastels are more subdued than their brighter counterparts. Choosing a pastel shade is a great way to get the colour you want but in a relaxing tone rather than an energetic one. For example, if you are looking for a green, choosing a gentle teal or a sage over an emerald green will ensure that the colour is present, without it dominating. Soft blues, powder pinks, lavenders, and yellows are also ideal pastel colours for this purpose. While lighter colours are favourable, going all the way to pure white can make a room seem stark and empty rather than calm so it is best to stick with a colour, even a simple one like ecru or eggshell.

Neutral colours

If in doubt, it is hard to go wrong with neutral colours. Considered by some to be dull or boring, neutral colours offer a huge variety of effects and are far more nuanced than many give them credit for. They are particularly well suited to bedrooms as they allow for a clean backdrop that is easily compatible with more vibrant colours in your bedding or curtains. Alternatively, you might want to layer neutral colours like black, grey, white, ivory, or taupe and experiment with different textures of furnishings and fabric to create a calmer look to the space.

Bright colours

While traditionally it is advised to opt for softer tones, ultimately, it is your space. If you’d like to paint your bedroom in bright colours there is no reason not to. However, there are a few guidelines you might consider if you’re considering this option. If you are using darker colours such as deep blues, navy, or even black there is a risk the room can feel boxed in. Dark colours have a tendency to make a room feel smaller and this is usually best avoided. Try adding an accent wall by painting one wall in the dark colour, and the others in a lighter shade. This can help you keep that bold expression you want without risking the room feeling small or dark.

Contact Brush Stroke Decorating

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If you’re looking for help transforming your bedroom with stunning colours, contact the team at Brush Strokes Decorating. We are a team of professional painters and decorators with the knowledge and experience to reinvigorate your bedroom in any colours of your choosing. To find out more, contact our helpful team by calling 020 8468 1512 or sending an email to

Contact Brush Strokes Decorating to ask us any questions that you may have. You can call us on 020 8468 1512 or email